jeudi 13 mai 2010

I love Clint MANSELL, and you ?

Okay, now you will know that you can come from a pop band, The POP WILL EAT ITSELF,
and after that become one of the most inspired movie soundtracks composer. His name ? No one else than Mr Clint MANSELL himself.

Ever seen a Darren ARONFOSKY movie ? I mean "Pi", or the massive and memorable "Requiem for a dream", maybe "The Fountain". Clint MANSELL made the music for these movies. And closer to now, he create the soundtrack for the movie "Moon" with lovely Sam ROCKWELL performing in.

Ever listened to contemporary music, some Steve REICH ? Enough reasons to like this and just a reason to share this track with any of you :
Clint MANSELL "Welcome to Lunar industries"

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